Case information for San Francisco and Santa Rosa divisions are available by clicking on the "Bankruptcy Link" icon below.
341 Meeting of Creditors are now being held via ZOOM videoconferencing. Please refer to the BNC Meeting of Creditors Certificate of Mailing for Meeting ID and Passcode. If you are new to Zoom, please review the following documents.
Instructions for Joining a Zoom 341 Meeting of Creditors
Best Practices for Virtual 341 Meeting of Creditors
David Burchard is the Chapter 13 Trustee for the Northern District of California, San Francisco and Santa Rosa Divisions. David Burchard, Trustee, assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of data displayed on this website, including, but not limited to basic case, claim, disbursement or other information provided herein. Access to the provided information is controlled by David Burchard, Trustee.